Boost productivity and profitability with powerful intranet automation.

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Image highlighting the features of Claromentis' Intranet Automation - Automated Workflows, Powerful Integrations, No Code Platform, Compliance Audit Trails

I work on it every day – I’m working on it now. I can’t even imagine how we did it before. Things are much faster for us, and that’s a major difference. Claromentis improved the way we do things above and beyond.

Liz – Internal Communications

(Accessory Exchange New York, Retail, 100 employees)


Increase capacity and maximise resources with intranet automation

Illustration of 2 people holding up a flashing Claromentis logo and a graph showing an upward trend

Create automated workflows with no technical expertise

Our entire integrated intranet platform is no code. This means any authorised user can create scalable automated workflows to streamline processes. Our simple forms help improve process management and operational efficiency across your business.

Customisable e-forms for your every business need

You can build and run any process with our e-forms and workflows. For example, our customers use them for help desk support, loan applications, sales orders and agile meeting retrospectives. 

Choose from multiple field types to build bespoke forms that meet your needs. These include date pickers, drop-down lists, HTML, digital signatures and more. You can also add sections with helpful hints to organise and guide staff through your processes.

This advanced customisation means, if you can think of it, Claromentis can make it happen. 

Optimise and automate complex business processes

Stop wasting time on activities that don’t directly generate revenue. Automate repetitive manual processes to increase organisational accountability, efficiency and accuracy. 

Our platform lets you flag high priority issues and notify users with tailored alerts. Meaning your teams can focus on more valuable activities, only getting involved when they need to. 

Access all your business tools in a single centralised location

Our integration capabilities enable you to connect your workflows to third party business apps. Working with your existing tech stack, this means you can create processes quickly without fully replacing all your business tools. With our workflow plug-ins, you can set any trigger on any data set from any software via an API.

You can also improve the visibility and accessibility of your tools. We enable single sign on, so you can access everything you need directly from within our software. Meaning Claromentis acts as a central hub for your digital workplace. 

Easily implement and report on compliance activities

Our automation platform lets you implement audit trails to track user activity within your intranet. This helps track changes and report on things like user behaviour, policy acceptance, security risks and process performance. 

You can also use our log system for compliance reporting and investigations, making it easier to prepare for and pass both external and internal audits. 

Claromentis intranet automation and productivity capabilities

Workflows and Automations

A three step workflow showing how our intranet automation can make your operations more efficient
  • Custom e-forms and automated workflows. Easily create forms and workflows for any purpose with our zero-code system.
  • Comprehensive user based permission system. Custom roles for each automation project mean you have complete control over your operations.
  • Plug-in workflow builder. Enhance our workflow solution using php plug-ins that can execute on any trigger and integrate with any third party source.
  • Process knowledge base. Provide the full business context and training on your processes to support your staff.
  • Process documentation management. Increase process understanding and transparency throughout your business with accessible documentation.


Multiple apps and software integrating with Claromentis. Showing how our intranet automation can sync with your existing tech stack and software.
  • Social platforms. Provide useful information and increase intranet engagement by embedding social posts, videos and feeds from Facebook, X, LinkedIn and YouTube.
  • Productivity tools. Access productivity tools to monitor projects, access information and collaborate with colleagues in a single location. Platforms include Slack, Trello, Google and Evernote.
  • Document management providers. Browse files and documents in a single location. We let you embed or access via SSO platforms like Dropbox, Google Docs, OneDrive and Box.
  • Microsoft Active Directory. Automatically populate your intranet with users using our Active Directory integration.
  • Single Sign On. We integrate SSO providers like Okta, letting your users automatically login to different platforms and tools with a single set of credentials. 
  • Custom integrations. If our core platform doesn’t have what you need our custom team can build bespoke functionality that pulls data from external platforms.

Audit Trails

Three step audit trail workflow showing how you can streamline your compliance efforts with intranet automation.
  • Internal auditing system. Our comprehensive platform helps you schedule, manage and run audits. Run multiple audits at once to increase efficiency and save time.
  • Audit trend analysis. Our system provides an audit score for every audit. Providing data and trend analysis on your compliance and quality management efforts.
  • Non-conformance reporting. Enable the discovery and remediation of non-conformance, then alert the audit team to verify the fix.
  • Customisable audit management. We support all relevant legislation, internal requirements and ad hoc queries. Adjust your audit requirements to suit your business needs and obligations.

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Intranet Automation Applications
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