Develop critical skills through employee training

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The four elements of Claromentis' Learning Management System. Provide employee training with our course management, training and development, compliance and intranet features.

Helping our customers maximise their potential

“Claromentis is a stable platform for internal knowledge and also has a remarkable support team. My favourite feature is the integrated LMS with SCORM functionality, a well designed knowledge base, and a simple document system for PDFs to publish information”

Putte J.


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Increase critical skills and competencies with our learning management system

Graphic showing the integrated nature of Claromentis' learning management system for employee training

Integrate e-learning into your digital workplace

Our learning management system comes as standard as part of our integrated digital workplace solution. This means you don’t need a separate LMS platform, with all the complexities that can bring. It is included at no extra cost alongside our intranet, business process automation and project management platforms.

Boost employee professional development at scale

With our LMS, you can easily provide relevant training materials to your employees. This can include courses, modules, learning materials and assessments. Whatever your business needs.

Staff can access all training materials on-demand, in a single location. Meaning they can easily create their own training schedules, and take responsibility for their own professional development. 

All of this helps you tailor professional development to individual employee preferences, goals and responsibilities.

Choose an LMS configuration to suit your business needs

Tailor your LMS to your specific needs and branding, with no coding required. Our extensive customisation options and integrations let you configure our platform to suit your training needs. Whether you need to seamlessly integrate with other systems, or build some custom functionality, our platform is infinitely adaptable to your needs.

And if you can’t figure it out on your own, our expert support team is here to help. You can access a 24-hour support portal, including an extensive knowledge base, AI support and Claromentis University.

Improve engagement with interactive learning paths

Adaptability to individual learning styles enables you to improve information retention, learner motivation and training effectiveness. 

We fully support various content types, including SCORM 1.2 standard content. Meaning you can offer comprehensive, personalised training programs accessible through a user-friendly platform.

All of which lets you provide engaging learning experiences with multimedia content, discussion forums, and assessments. And reward successes with leaderboards and badges.

Monitor completion rates and progress with data-driven insights

Measure the effectiveness of your training initiatives with real-time, automated reporting. Track individual and team performance and completion rates. This data helps you identify areas for improvement and better optimise your training programs. 

Streamline compliance training and certification

Provide comprehensive compliance training using your existing policies and compliance forms as learning materials. Plus, our automated reminders and completion rate reporting will help you pass any compliance audit with ease. 

Ensure secure access anytime, anywhere, on any device

The modern working world is anything but static. Employees need to be able to access training materials no matter where they are. Ensure secure access from any device with Single-Sign On (SSO), two factor authentication and OAuth2. 

Course and User Management

Course and User management within our learning management system

Encourage and enable professional development across your entire organisation. Build efficient and effective training content to help your workforce maximise their potential.

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Training and Development

Graphic showing steps on a learning pathway within a learning management system.

Keep learners engaged with personalised learning paths based on their interests, roles and responsibilities. Increase motivation with real time progress tracking and rewards.

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Certification and Compliance

A security shield, showcasing the compliance features of our learning management system

Automate your compliance training to streamline your certification efforts within a secure environment. Use comprehensive audit trails to pass internal and external audits with ease. 

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A graphic showing that our learning management system is part of an integrated digital workplace solution that enables employee training, communication and collaboration

Encourage a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing with our powerful intranet software. Share expertise, ask questions and celebrate progress on a single centralised communication hub.

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Upskill your workforce at scale with learning management software

You’ve read all the theory, it’s time to put it into practice. Book a demo now to see our learning management system in action. Or, if you’re not ready for that yet, dive deeper into the LMS applications that can transform your workforce.

Claromentis Applications
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